Every one of your artworks are a blend between digital and printmaking. The grain effect gives the art a feeling I can't describe.
What are the polka dots on the person's cheeks?
Every one of your artworks are a blend between digital and printmaking. The grain effect gives the art a feeling I can't describe.
What are the polka dots on the person's cheeks?
At the time I was creating, the red dots on the cheeks would be a disguised tusk-like implant, so the red dots on the cheeks would open and some tusks would come out.
thank you for your compliments!
I like the composition of the piece, especially with the empty space around the two characters & background.
The form of the snake, especially near the bottom of the neck (do snakes have necks?), is strange. The bottom of the neck does not meet with the bottom of the body in a smooth curve, but it looks like there is a lump sticking out from the underbelly of the snake.
Also, it seems the photo is a little blurry. You could mess with your camera settings or edit the photo with a program to help with that.
Thanks for the feedback! :D I did my best to get a clear shot of the drawing but, beyond cropping images theres not much I can do to make the photo better sorry my photo editing app is locked behind a paywall... If you have a good mobile photo editing app then please recommend it to me! :D (also im pretty sure that snakes are just a head and a body but im not sure...)
*head bops
/^o^/ \^o^\ /^o^/ \^o^\ /^o^/ \^o^\
Good luck :) !
Thankie ^^
I really like the contrast between the very dark areas and the texture of the fur. The shapes of the vines are spikey and are separated by the doe with hatching and the curves.There could be more dynamics in the head (more patches of light or darker shadows). My eyes are drawn to the doe's lower body, and the head seems to be less of a focus point.
I also like how you separated the vine from the doe with white lines, especially in more confusing areas such as the front of the doe. Overall, clean lines and good job :)
yeah i wasnt sure what else to do to the head i didnt wanna make the animal look TOO fluffly, but i agree there could be a lot more done to its face as a focal point. I sat on it for like 2 days thinking about what else i could do to it before i deemed it finished haha., thannks for always givin me some feedback :)
Just a bunch of dorky cats who want to rule the world owo
It's a strange but good mix of weird and serious.
Cats are taking over the world by internet :3
Is it possible to get a wider shot to get all of the hair in the photo, or is that the sides of the page?
Its just the sides of the page, sorry. However all I cut off was the corners of the claws attached to her hair. :D
Intense, and futuristic! Also really liking the overall painting and how the cyborg-like creature with the crazy colors fits with the song.
I like how the fur goes in certain directions to make the body look more 3D. I especially like the fur near the ribs to show the flaps of body.
Also, is there anything you can do about the lines caused by your window sill?
yeah i can just stop being lazy and go outside haha
Want to commission some art? Collaborations? Contact via PM/csj.artist@gmail.com
Hello! I post digital/traditional art. My main thing is character design and experimentation.
Current Project: Entry Series - ?/300 unique characters!
Age 23, Male
College Student
Joined on 11/2/17